
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Birthday dates book

I pulled out my very neglected Cinch machine to make this little
book for my Mother-in-law to keep all her birthdays in.
She sends card to her own kids, her Grandkids and her Great Grandkids
so you can imagine it would be hard to keep track.
I did have a little book I made her a few years back but it is well worn now.

This little one measures 2 1/2" x 3" and takes up no room at all.
I did the months in doubles and allowed plenty of pages
to be able to write the names and dates.
In between each section I added a coloured card with
a nice sentiment stamped on it.
I added ribbon for ease of opening each section too.
The covers are made using chipboard.

You can watch my quick 30sec video here of the insides
and you can see I used one of my cluster embellishments
from last week to decorate the front.

I would like to enter this into

Just getting ready for a visit from my Granddaughter Aimee.
Hope you all have a lovely day.
The sun is trying it's best to stay out but struggling lol.




  1. A gorgeous keepsake for your MIL, so thoughtful too. I think its a lovely idea.
    I almost bought a cinch a few years back but stood pondering could I afford it at the time, anyway I never did but its nice to see someone brave enough, haha. xx

  2. Your mother-in-law will love this address/date book Pinky

  3. This is lovely Pinky and such a good idea as a gift for your MIL! I'm going to make one for my friend- she's well into her eighties now, mostly sharp as a knife but she does get a bit muddled with birthdays, she lost her birthday book some time ago and really misses it! Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Beautiful little birthday book,a brilliant idea and very thoughtful usefull gift.
    Carol x

  5. This is creative love the sentiment what a great idea and keepsake x

  6. What a beautiful project, Pinky and so useful too.
    Liz xx

  7. Great idea and so useful as well, beats my post it notes any day (which frequently get lost!).

    B x

  8. Very nice little book and perfect gift for your Mother-in-law! I'm sure she will love this! Thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! Katrina

  9. Your machine certainly did a great job, with your help, a fabulous birthday book. x

  10. What a fun way to keep track of birthdays. Such a great idea and so cute. Thanks for sharing with us at PIP Challenges.

  11. A pretty, handy mini book with a beautiful cover! Thanks for joining the Path of Positivity challenge this month.

  12. What a lovely, thoughtful gift. xxx


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