
Friday 2 August 2024

Never ending!!

I finally got round to trying out a never ending card!!
Have you made one before?
It has been on my to do list for a good few years and today
I finally had a go.
I followed a tutorial by Sam Calcott on YouTube
but I also made one myself, totally inspired by Sam.

Measurements need to make one
Four pieces of white card 3" x 6"
Score on 6" side - 1 1/2". 4 1/2"
8 pieces of dp - 1 1/4" x 1 1/4"
8 pieces dp 1 1/4" x 2 3/4"
8 pieces dp 2 3/4" x 2 3/4"

You can watch my version of the tutorial here

I would like to enter this into


  1. Oh gosh Pinky, I made one years ago when we were all on Do-crafts, but all our stuff in the galleries there was lost when they finished, its sad really ...Its so good to see one again and you did such a great job, its gorgeous and love the papers you used and sweet images...
    I have a question for you, would you make more or was it a one off to say I did it, thats usually my thing. hahaha.
    Have a great weekend. xx

  2. It's gorgeous Pinky- very impressive! I've seen them before but never been tempted to try making one,, maybe I should give it a go!

  3. Love this layout Pinky,fabulous papers and embellishments

  4. HI Pinky, I've caught up with lots of different and gorgeous projects, I love your little granddaughter, Bless her heart. I've not done this never ending card, or many other folds I would like to try, but I do like yours a lot. Your daughters' album is stunning, and the little straw box is fun and wonderful, so is your beach theme card. All fabulous, just not enough time to comment on each. x

  5. Just back to tell you I watched your video tute. Its really good to see one being made as you can get abit 'lost' can't you, well I did, fabulous Pinky and so glad you went on to make more. xx

  6. l have never made a never ending card but looking at yours its so lovely with lots of elements x


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