
Wednesday 1 December 2021

Sketch 16 - inspirational card

OK so I'm officially crap at take photos indoors!
Seriously any tips would be gratefully accepted 😁

Today I am on sketch 16 from
There is still time to join us if you fancy it!!

You can watch my quick video tutorial here



meg said...

Another brilliant card using your gorgeous papers

Janette said...

Another gorgeous card Pinky. All I can say about taking pics is I usually have to walk around the house to find a spot with enough good light and I always have white card to stand it on and at the back to reflect, but everyone has their own idea.xx

Chris said...

A pretty card using your beautiful papers Pinky. If you get any good tips on indoor photography pass them on to me!

Vee Cassidy said...

A lovely card, Pinky. Vee xx

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card and papers Patricia-I am the same as Janette I put my cards on a larger piece of white card-I then have about 5 different spots to take my pics then choose the best one lol
Carol x

Sandra H said...

This is gorgeous as always you are so creative x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Lovely card. The light is bad for taking pics. I use photoshop to improve my photos

Chrissy said...

Beautiful papers and butterflies Pinky and love the fold, gorgeous card..


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