
Tuesday 23 March 2021

Mostly Monochrome!

Our challenge this fortnight at
has a theme of
mostly monochrome
and it has been chosen by the lovely

I have used Butterfly Brilliance again.
I stamped the large butterfly stamp
and cut a tag shape from it.
I used some small background stamps
and added texture to the background
The main butterfly has been die cut
from the papers (sadly sold out now)
and added to the tag.
It has all been layered onto black card
and finished with a mounted sentiment
and then some black ribbon
stapled in place.

I would like to enter this into

Feeling a bit better today thank goodness
so hope to catch up on some commissions.
Enjoy your day!



Janette said...

Morning Pinky, this is beautiful, I love the mono and pop of colour on that beautiful butterfly, a sweet creation.xx

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful tag Pinky, thanks! , Valerie

Bunny said...

A lovely tag. The popped up pop of yellow butterfly is so cute. [Bunny]

Chris said...

What a stunning tag pinky, love the pp of yellow with the monochrome.
Glad you're feeling a bit better today.

crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous monochrome tag great B.paper and love the beautiful butterfly
Carol x

Chrissy said...

Such a gorgeous tag Pinky, love the touch of yellow and beautiful butterfly..glad you are feeling better..


Hazel (Didos) said...

What a stunning tag, love the colour scheme with just a hint of colour, Hazel x

meg said...

Love the beautiful pop of colour your butterfly adds to the monochromatic background

Crafting Queen said...

Beautiful tag,love the butterfly. Need to make time to make one. x Hugs Anesha

Gillena Cox said...

I luv butterflies, your butterfly tag is brilliant
Have a nice Tuesday


Claire said...

Beautiful love the dimension

Sandra H said...

Absolutely fabulous tag l love the monochrome and the touch of yellow looks amazing x

Janis Lewis said...

Nice butterfly tag! Thanks for sharing at Crafting Happiness Challenges. Hope you'll link up again!
:) Janis, Owner & Design Team said...

It's a beautiful tag and I love the dimension on your butterfly wings they are really detailed stamps, so effective on the background of your tag. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Take care. Michelle x

Michele said...

this is such a pretty tag! so glad you linked it up to tag tuesday! xo

My name is Erika. said...

Beautiful butterfly tag Pinky.

Glittertastic said...

This is so pretty - I love the pop of yellow against the grey. Thank you for joining us this week at Dream Valley Challenge
Sharon – Dream Valley Challenge Designer

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