
Tuesday 14 March 2023

Have a pheasant day!!

I have another tag for Valerie's theme of
BIRDS over at

This time I have gone with a stamp set I won via a challenge from
AALL & Create called Pheasant.
I inked up my tag using various inks, really just
left over ink on each of my blending brushes lol.
I then simply stamped the images. The stamp really
does all the work.
I finished by inking up the edges.
I didn't add a ribbon as I am going to slip this into one
of my photo albums.

I would like to enter this into

More snow this morning and pretty cold again.
Thankfully it's raining now!!
Come on Spring, we need you!!


Product List


meg said...

A wonderful masculine tag Pinky

brenda said...

It's lovely to see the Pheasant in action Pinky, you've made a super tag with him and also the border image across the top. Admit the set was one of my first A&C and still use it over and again.

B x

Valerie-Jael said...

This is really gorgeous, love the pheasant stamp, too. Have a good week, take care, hugs, Valerie

Janette said...

What a great stamp, love it and gorgeous tag which will add a nice touch to your album.xx

Annie said...

I love this tag, Pinky! The wonderfully blended colors and that great pheasant stamp with text in his body draws me into this tag.

Chris said...

You've made great use of your lovely prize Pinky- a fabulous tag!

crafty-stamper said...

Great tag and inky background,congrats on winning that fabulous stamp set.Lovely sunny day here today but wind is still cold,but I have a line full of washing blowing lol
Carol x

Liz said...

Great tag Pinky, love the design. xx

Chrissy said...

Love the soft background colours and great stamps Pinky, fabulous mornings are darker now and getting quite crispy, which is what I love best..


Sandra H said...

Lovely tag with a fabulous background x

Marlena M. said...

Stunning tag, love the way you inked it up! Thank you for joining us at INk~

Gillena Cox said...

Nice tag. Luv the pun😊


Pauline C said...

Beautiful tag Pinky, I love the inked background with the silhouette pheasant
Pauline xx

Michele said...

what gorgeous coloring on your background, this is an elegant tag! xo said...

Gorgeous tag and I love all your stamping! Michelle x

Pam Tiedtke, or Pammie Lou said...

As always, another fabulous creation! The soft colors look great with the black images! Thanks for joining us at PIP Challenges!

Bernardine Cuttino said...

A very creative tag. Thanks for joining us at We look forward to seeing you again.
Berni Cuttino, 613 Avenue Create , DT Coordinator
613 Avenue Create ,Challenge Blog
chasingthedream, My Blog

Sandra Wright. said...

Congratulations on winning the stamps Pinky.
Love the image, right up my street,lol.xx

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