
Monday 4 March 2024

Hello there!

Happy Monday!
I am sharing a card I made with my new Latte Love bundle
and matching papers called A little Latte.

I have gone with a fun fold today.
This is what you see when the front flap is lifted.
You could also add a little envelope with a voucher
for a coffee in it.

I would like to enter this into

Had a lovely walk round our local park,
which by the way, is the largest public park in Northern Ireland
and second largest in Ireland!
How lucky are we!!

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brenda said...

Looks really food in the sepia (coffee) tones Pinky.

B x

Janette said...

Oh its gorgeous, this coffee set you have is really lovely Pinky, that DP is fabulous too. xx

meg said...

What a fun for set Pinky,a beautiful card

Chris said...

A great design Pinky, love the lift up flap. Your colours, papers and die cuts are gorgeous- now I need a coffee!

crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous card Patricia,love the fold,papers and really love the coffee pot and cups.We have sun today yay and it sounds as if you life in a lovely area,we have a lovely park and walks but bus rides away and we don't have transport.
Carol x

Chrissy said...

Fabulous card Pinky in the coffee colours and great fold..glad you have a nice park to walk in, I have several too, but don't like walking on my own so much..


Johanna said...

Your set is perfect for a card of this type and I like how you designed your card. Very nicely done. Thanks for joining us at MMM, Johanna DT

Heather said...

Super yummy, Pinky - I haven't used the press dies yet - it looks wonderful! Very fun fold! Thanks so much for playing at Make My Monday!

SarahR said...

Hi there, love your card - great colour scheme and fold. Apologies for being late to commenting, but thanks for joining in with us for last month's 'More than one fold' challenge at Crafty Calendar Challenge - Sarah, DT.

Kim said...

Cute card. Love the fun fold you included. Thanks for joining the challenge at the Mix it Up Challenge Blog.

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