
Monday 7 August 2023

Simple stamping!!

Happy Monday!
What a weekend we had, yes, weather wise again.
We had Storm Antonio visit us on Friday night and the rain and winds
were crazy!! We were leaving early Saturday morning to get to Dublin
airport and we had to change course twice because of flooded roads.
Have we caused this havoc?? Is it too late to fix things?
Seriously there is something wrong with our weather for sure.

Anyway, this is my card for today.
Not my style really but during a zoom team meeting we were challenged
to give this a go. It was pretty simple really, just nerve wrecking lol.

I would like to enter this into

Enjoy your week ahead and fingers crossed for a wee bit of sunshine!


Liz said...

Lovely card Pinky, the simple stamping is so effective. xx

Janette said...

A beautiful card, I love the design and think you did an amazing job Pinky.
As for the weather, I am scared to think whats next, we all know things should have changed years ago, what about our grandkids, they are who I worry for. The storms are never ending, its awful. Take care. xx

Sandra H said...

This is so lovely amazes me how a stamp can create such gorgeous effects totally stunning x

meg said...

Beautiful stamped images which create a gorgeous frame around the sentiment,love the shades of green you chose

Chris said...

This is beautiful Pinky, simple but so effective.
The weather patterns are really disturbing, they seem to getting more and more extreme- and not too gradually either. Like Janette, I worry about what the future holds for our grandchildren. Mankind has a lot to answer for.
On a brighter note the weather is meant to be improving this week- hopefully some sunshine ahead.

crafty-stamper said...

I was woken up by the torrential monsoon type rain 4am Sat morningwhich lasted until 5,road and paths all flooded-getting worse!I love your CAS card and all the stamped foliage-love it
Carol x

Judy McKay said...

Lovely card. Love the clean and simple look. Thank you for joining us at a Place to Start this month. Hope to see you back here again soon. Judy DT

Mynn xx said...

This is fantastic! Love the shades of green you used! Hugs! Mynn xx

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Stunning card Pinky. We were promised Antonio would be awful for us, but he only made a little visit, it was just lashing rain and not too bad wind. I think we deserve a little sunshine now ay?
Faith x

Sandra H said...

Weather is going mad all over the world we are getting more rain than normal possibly due to the change in climate love card x

Bonnie Lynn said...

What a gorgeous clean and simple card. Those little pearls are the perfect touch. Thanks for joining us this week at Pammie's Inky Pinkies. Hope to see you again.

Gerrina said...

Such a clean and beautiful design! Thank you for joining us at TIME OUT!

kel Acopan said...

How lovely! Thanks for stopping by A Place To Start !!

lovies, =o) kel

Anonymous said...

Great Design - thanks for playing along at challenge up your life blog - Babsy

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